About Waking Crow

I am Waking Crow—a multidisciplinary artist working at the intersection of fine art portraiture, conceptual photography, and poetry. This name embodies my artistic vision: awakening to the liminal spaces between shadow and light, between observation and meaning.

My photographic work spans two distinct but interrelated realms. In portraiture, I create carefully orchestrated narratives that blend theatrical elements with psychological depth. In my art photography, I explore the quiet geometries of existence—the interplay of light and shadow that transforms ordinary moments into contemplative experiences.

Poetry serves as both complement and counterpoint to my visual work. Through minimalist verse, I investigate the spaces between perception and understanding. My upcoming art book, Silhouettes Against a Dying Sun, represents the culmination of this dialogue between image and word—a carefully crafted exploration of consciousness, transformation, and the ephemeral nature of experience.

The integration of these disciplines allows me to create work that operates on multiple levels: visual, verbal, and metaphysical. Whether through limited edition prints, commissioned portraits, or art books, my goal is to create pieces that invite deeper engagement with the mysteries of existence.

Under the name Waking Crow, I pursue artistic expression that challenges the boundaries between different forms of perception. My work has found homes in private collections and galleries, where it continues to spark dialogue about the nature of seeing and being seen.

I welcome conversations about commissioned works, collaborations, or the themes and techniques present in my existing portfolio. Art thrives in the space between artist and audience, and I value these opportunities for meaningful exchange.



Waking Crow Studios, nestled near Bullard’s Bar Reservoir in Camptonville, California, is more than a place—it's an experience. A scenic 25-minute drive from Nevada City takes you through the ever-changing beauty of the Yuba River's forks, each season offering its own visual feast.

Please note, our studio is also our home. The specific location will be provided to approved clients.


+1 530 955 5843